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Held January 25, 2025

Photos by Sandy Adams

EX ROOKIES (L - R): Coordinator Dave Koschara, Jay Gonzalez, Jerry Moore, Jeanne Holmgren, Jacquie Bachman, Jeff Hedquist, Ann Burke, Matthew Karpacz, Christine Masef, Steve Eldredge, Greg OConnell, Kurt Kehlenbeck, John Vittitow

Shootout Members (L - R): Don Taylor (FMB), Tom Heller, Richard Masef, Bob Thomas, Carol Spell, David Beam, David Quarles, Frank Radochonski, Dave Koschara, David Miller

Richard Masef with the Shootout Trophy. He released the winning tarpon fishing with Bob Thomas.

Awards (L - R): Bob Thomas (last fish), Denis Burke (2nd hunt), Kyra Quarles (first fish), David Miller (1st hunt)

Carol Spell accepting First Place, Ladies Division with presenters Kyra and David Quarles.

Top 3 Ladies Division with presenters Kyra and David Q.: 2nd place, Gayle Beam. 3rd place, Jacquie Bachman. 1st place, Carol Spell

David Beam accepting the Top Angler trophy!

Top Ten (L - R): Bob Thomas, Richard Masef, Carol Spell, David Quarles, David Beam, Scott Kaczka, Denis Burke, Frank Radochonski, Dave Koschara, Tom Heller

Fly Division 1st Place: Denis Burke accepting from Mike Wilson

Rookie of the Year, Jay Gonzalez accepting from Sandro Secino

Six Great Captains (L - R): Jerry Geyer, Ralph Yost, Arnie Epstein, DQ, Frank R., and Captain of the Year: Dave Koschara

Sportsman of the Year, Tom Heller, presented by David Beam

Board Members (L - R): Denis Burke, Jeff Bachman, Sandro Secino, Richard Masef, Jim Butera, Tom Heller, Jeff Serzan, David Beam, Frank Radochonski, Gayle Beam, David Quarles, Mike Wilson (going off), Jay Gonzalez, Jerry Geyer

Traveling Trophys

122 attendees...largest attendance ever!

Some of the raffle items

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